artlink's Podcast
artlink is connecting culture, art and people from Africa, Latin America, Southeast and Southwest Asia, Eastern Europe and Switzerland.You are listening to a podcast series from artlink about thoughts and lessons we have learned in our work. The first five episodes reflect on the Here We Are initiative. They were produced as part of a series of workshops with sixty artists of all disciplines from all around the world.
artlink's Podcast
Reflexe Ep.05: Schwerkraft der Tränen
Season 1
Episode 5
In der fünften Folge des artlink Litklub-Podcasts Reflexe wird Yara Nakahanda Monteiros Buch Schwerkraft der Tränen besprochen. Ein Gespräch zwischen der Literaturwissenschaftlerin und Podcasterin Ana Sobral, der Autorin Monteiro, und dem Übersetzer Michael Kegler, der das Buch aus dem Portugiesischen übersetzt hat.